Hardcore Nesting
New curtains from Zulily inspired a shopping spree and major nesting vibes. See what else I bought below! |
Oh, hello!
Two posts in one month? Go me!
Actually, I should have been back to work today like everyone else after this lovely three-day weekend, but I got all four of my wisdom teeth extracted on Friday, and I haven't quite recovered just yet. So here I am blogging about my home, again, with The Great British Baking Show playing on Netflix in the background.
Here's the thing, y'all: I love my home. I love being home! So I nurture my space a lot. Yes, I may get lazy and fail to tidy up more often than not, but it's my favorite place to be.
Anyway, I've taken some new pictures of my favorite spots around home, where to find my latest purchases, as well as two projects that got me all excited about literally living in my living room again.
My new record player table! I found it at the Thriftique Warehouse right here in Jersey City. It's solid wood and was stained a brown color. I sanded it down and spray painted it black to match my other furniture. Just look at how cute it is in the picture above! I actually squealed many times about it on my way home.
My other project was getting my rocking chair to match. So I said, goodbye to this:
And hello to this:
I find it looks like a more mature piece in black. Very chic, especially with my lovely, new Cream Chenille Stripe Throw from Target.
Well that's it for projects.
New purchases also include the baskets under my TV stand. I've been aching for a basket sized just right to fit my records in, and it was HomeGoods to the rescue! I bought another to put all of our board games in, and now there's much more space around the home.
The black and white theme runs throughout the living area, so I knew I wasn't ditching my triangle print pillows from Society6, but I needed some color to bring out those pansies in my new curtains from Zulily (can't link to them exactly as items are featured daily and may disappear after a few days, sorry)! These huge, comfy, spicy orange velvet pillows from World Market did just the trick!
I also purchased some new table mats from World Market, keeping within my new color scheme, which revolves around the curtains.
My favorite, new purchase is the "Hello" sign I found in the clearance section at Target. I added a $20 green wreath from Amazon on the door, an umbrella basket from Lowe's, and voila! A cherrier entrance (because this entrance needs a lot of help). Not even my colorful bookcase can help this entrance:
Well, that's it! I hope you enjoyed the post as much as I enjoyed redecorating my home.
Until next time.
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